08 December 2006

KAGA 2007 Annoucement

From: Tan, Jackson HAPCO SFS Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 10:22 AMTo: 'billylee'; Adrian Ng; Andrew Peng; Chan Cheong Seng; CheongPheng Lee (E-mail); ChinWah_CHAN@saaerospace.com; cslim@epepack.com.sg; derek@cosprinters.com.sg; F. A Mok; George Ong; KC Lim ; KK Chiew; Lee Cheong Pheng (E-mail); raymond Loh; Sytheng@Molex. Com; TS Han; Melvin Ho; chancw@stengg.comSubject: RE: KAGA 22nd Dec
Dear friends,

I have just checked the course venue and please to advise Jurong CC is at superb and prime condition after the renovation and all green refurbished. Therefore this year KAGA will remained at Jurong CC on Dec 22 afternoon followed by a dinner at the chinese restaurant.

For those who is still "procrastinating" and have not confirmed your participation, please note we have great prizes to be won including a Challenge Trophy, a silver plated trophy imported from Scotland (probably from the same vicinity at St Andrew !!) . See attached.

We already getting sponsorship on custom make "KAGA" Titleist Cap, Traveling golf bag covers, vintage red wines, Mou Tai (premium white wine reserved for Chinese communist party member), books on "quantum physics of golf ball", T-shirt, golf balls...........Hey ! It's Christmas time; a time for sharing and giving. Your gracious and benevolent gifts are most welcome.

Looking forward receiving your confirmation .

Jackson Tan

From: billylee [mailto:billylee@singnet.com.sg] Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 11:49 PMTo: Adrian Ng; Andrew Peng; Chan Cheong Seng; Chan Chin Wah; CheongPheng Lee (E-mail); ChinWah_CHAN@saaerospace.com; cslim@epepack.com.sg; derek@cosprinters.com.sg; F. A Mok; George Ong; Tan, Jackson HAPCO SFS; KC Lim ; KK Chiew; Lee Cheong Pheng (E-mail); raymond Loh; Sytheng@Molex. Com; TS Han; Melvin HoSubject: KAGA 22nd Dec
dear friends

1. Mok - please inform Bryan when he is back. His name is in at the moment. I leave the arrangement with Ivan to you.
2. Raymond - please inform the rest and give me those names that confirm coming. George is on already.
3. CP Lee - I heard HH Lee had confirmed. Please update him.
4. Adrian - Unfortunately we have confirmed the date to be 22nd Dec. I really wish you could change your flight coming back on the 21st. My apology on this. I take it that you are in for the time being.

This year, there will be a challenge trophy. Jackson is in charge of getting the trophy and everyone of us has to part with a portion of our bonus for this. Jackson has the previous trophy. Have no idea what to do with it. maybe we can auction it.

We need sponsors for the prices. I am going to bring 2 bottles of wine, either for novelty price and consumption at the dinner. KK is going to sponsors some T-shrits (if available). Jackson is getting KAGA cap. Whoever have some gifts that had gone to the wrong owner are to bring it out for novelty or top 10 prices. Appreciate if you could inform me quickly the gifts that you could provide.

I need everyone's honest handicap so that we can prepare the score card beforehand.

Mok: we have nominated you to be the official computing the final score. Kindly bring your PDA for this purpose. KC is suggesting we play the double Pirelli.. he will inform you separately the details of the format.

Note: Please do not reply to all. Only reply to Jackson and me and we will forward all informations to everyone when ready. hope to confirm the venue by this Thursday. bye

Billy Lee
Sefar Asia Pacific Co., Ltd

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