04 January 2008

Group Photo

There were 24 players participated the KAGA2008 held at Jurong Country Club on January 4th 2008. Despite a few intermittent rains all 6 participated flights managed to complete their game successfully. This year champion trophy went to HH Lee base on KAGA Kulai Stableford(patent pending). It was also unanimously decided by the floor that HH Lee should continue polish the trophy and keep it for good since he had consecutively won the past two tours. In return, he will have to sponsor a new “crystal” type trophy for KAGA2009.

Kulai Stableford
1st - HH Lee
2nd - Warren Loh (actual Stableford champion)
3rd - Mrs Stacher

Longest Drive:
Melvin Ho

Closest to Pin:
Hole 4: Tan Swee Tian
Hole 6: HH Lee
Hole 14: Adrian Ng
Hole 17: Yau Tian Soon.

Ball Sweep:
1st Nine : Warren Loh
2nd Nine : Martin

Most Hardworking :
T.S. Han

The overwhelming response from the participants was deeply felt by Jackson and Billy and they had obliged to nominate themselves to be the "lifetime” organizer.

After the prize presentation, Hotel Katerina@Batu Pahat(BP) was pretty much the hot topic of the nite. Fellow Kulaian CS Lim indeed has to clarify a few times that BP is actually located more than an hour drive north-west of Kulai. Since there are so much interest centered on BP, perhaps CP Lee should organize a game @ Batu Pahat in the near future and book us into the RM800 suite at Katerina ( http://www.katerinahotel.com/index002.html )? ?

** CP Lee was late for the group photo session.


keith t said...

Hey guys - thanks for organising an excellent day. Sorry Joe and I could not join you for dinner, but it sounds like you had a good time anyway!
Anyone who wants to know more about the mysterious Batu Pahat - which I had never heard of....

Jackson Tan said...

Han TS, great blogsite. I hope the chicken essence will work for you for "Not Winning" the most hard working award next year.

Jackson Tan